Eve’s DNA

xxl_84904001-CreditThe account of Eve is an interesting and important segment of our genetic history. The Bible says that God put Adam into a deep sleep, took one of Adam’s ribs, and made a woman (Genesis 2:21-22). Adam named her Eve and proclaimed that she was “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23-24).

So, how does modern science line up with this account? First of all, does the man’s rib contain enough genetic information to make a woman. The answer is “yes,” Adam’s ribs contained many copies of the genetic information required to make a woman. However, it is interesting to note that if the first human were a woman, her rib would not contain enough information to make a man. This is because women do not have the y-chromosome. So, if the Bible stated that the woman was created first and man was formed from her rib, the Bible would be in error; but, the Bible got it right and stands true. This all seems elementary to us now, but remember that the scriptures were given to us long before any discoveries of the workings of genetics and DNA.

It follows, from both a Biblical and genetic perspective, that Eve was Adam’s feminine identical twin. When Adam said that Eve was “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23-24), he was confirming this point. Is this possible? Can there be male/female identical twins? Yes, it is possible: if a geneticist takes two identical twin embryos and genetically engineers them so one has two X chromosomes and the other has one X and one Y chromosomes, the resulting two humans will be identical male/female twins. Although rare, there are natural occurrences of male/female identical twins. For further information on this, just do an internet search on “male/female identical twins.”

A common question to this notion of Adam and Eve being identical male/female twins is: “If Adam and Eve were identical twins, wouldn’t all their children also be identical to Adam and/or Eve?” The answer to this question is “No.” Adam and Eve were identical twins and they each had two copies of every gene: one dominant and one recessive gene. Due to a biological process called “meiosis,” these genes were shuffled differently for each of their children, so the chances of a child having identical DNA to Adam and/or Eve is one out of a number too big to print on this page. This process of meiosis is easily understood, just search on “meiosis” and you will find many videos and detailed explanations.

In addition, it is the consensus of both creation and secular scientists that all humans presently on earth come from one woman: “Eve” (creationists) and “Mitochondrial Eve” (secular scientists).

Genesis 3:20  And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

In conclusion, Eve’s genetic heritage is a fascinating bit of our history that helps us understand our origins. It also demonstrates the convergence of modern science with Biblical truth.

Here are some related articles if interested.

Adam’s DNA

Adam’s Rib

Genesis Chapter 1 and 2


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Keywords: Genesis and genetics, Eve’s DNA, Adam and Eve, marriage of identical twins, identical mmale-femaletwins


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45 thoughts on “Eve’s DNA

  1. This excerpt is so riddled with errors in fundamental biological concepts and assumptions regarding the application of genetics to the Biblical creation story that it is difficult, if not impossible, to engage the author’s argument at any level.

    1. That is just a loose statement that will edify no one. Please give a specific example of where the article is wrong scientifically. Surely you can do that.


      1. I believe she was made to look exactly as God’s specifications and the specfication of the Holy Spirit who aided in creation with Her Partner God. Though many have not thought of God and The Holy Ghost before Earth knowing exactly what they wanted. 🙂

        1. You cannot make GOD our Father in Heaven in your own image.. Woman came from man. The Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father is NOT a separate entity, Every time that phrase (The Holy Spirit) is used it is pointing to our Heavenly Father’s power as in The Power of The Holy Spirit. Our Father in Heaven became flesh and dwelt among us. HE said this: “I and The Father are ONE.” John 10:30 HE IS ONE … NOT Three or two. There is NO feminine aspect of GOD.. There is no such thing as a “goddess”

          1. What do you make of Jesus praying to the father and asking that the “cup be removed from him” right before he died but then saying “not my will but YOUR will”? Or the prophecy which states that Jesus will rule for 1000 years then hand the reigns back over to his father? Or the fact that Jesus is called “firstborn of all creation”? Or the fact that the trinity closely mimics the beliefs that came from ancient Mesopotamia where God is 3 in one? Just food for thought. Love always.

          2. God father and Jesus are one in objectives,
            intent and purpose as explained in 1 John 5:8, Phil 2:2 , Eph 5:31-32 but I do agree that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father so there are only 2 Gods see John 1:18.

      2. Awesome video! On a side note: I made a comment below to someone that was trying to infer that the”Holy Spirit” was female …
        I was NOT criticizing your awesome video, I agree with you whole heartedly you answered a lot of questions for me that were on my mind for the longest time! You backed up your thesis with hard science and proved your point precisely!

      3. THE KEY WORDS ARE “IN THE BEGINNING CREATED HEAVEN AND EARTH” THE NEXT KEY WORDS-Creation of “MAN & WOMAN” and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. EITHER YOU ARE IN THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD AND BELIEVE IN THE WORD OF GOD AND HIS GREATEST CREATIONS OR YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE SPITIRT OF THE LORD GOD”

        In Genesis 2- God Referred to Man as “Adam”
        21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam-But Go back to
        1:1 In the beginning “God created” the heaven and the earth.

        23- Lord God had taken from “MAN”, made he a “WOMAN” STAY IN THE WORD AND THE CREATIONS OF GOD-

        22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

        23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

        KJV-Genesis Chapter I
        1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

        1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness
        was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved
        upon the face of the waters.

        Genesis 2 King James Version (KJV)
        1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
        2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
        3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
        4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,
        7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

        8 And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

        21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

        22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

        23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

        24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
        25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

      4. I posted a “BIBILCAL COMMENT” and it was never posted- Are posts Your Posts Screened first? ALL KJV King James Version- BIBLE/ WHY WAS IT NOT POSTED?

        1. They must be approved. It takes a bit of time. We make sure there is no foul language, advertising, or jibberish. When did you submit it and what was the subject matter?


          1. KJV Genesis 2-
            First of all,, The Bible was written 3,500 to 4,000 years ago- According to the Scriptures,, I don’t believe Adam was a Twin to Eve,, God took the Rib of Adam and put it into a woman,, MADE HE MADE A WOMAN-AND “BROUGHT” HER UNTO THE MAN- What I find Interesting WE are here today talking about the Human Race being created from the first Gods creation being Adam and Eve,, we wouldn’t ever be here today discussing the DNA of Adam and Eve if God would have not taken Rib from Adam and placed into A-Woman-brought her unto the man… “HE GOD Made A WOMAN”-IF God would have used the same Creation of Man from the dust of Earth- We wouldn’t be here- discussing Adams Rib into Eve- against Gods orders that the Serpent/Satan enticing ADAM And Eve to take of and eat of the forbidden fruit of the tree,, then begins Begats- Genealogy Trees- “MYSTERIES” GOD says in Revelations of Christ 1-20 “Blessed are those who Read my Words- AND those who Believe in me Shall not die but have Everlasting Life- Interesting discussions- God Created Earth and every living thing-Be careful,, Arguments for and Against- In the End you MUST Believe in the Divine Creator of all things-or it goes nowhere/ I basically love God First then HIS People/

            22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

            8 And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

            21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

            22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

            23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

      5. when 2 genetical identical people copulate, the outcome from that is nearly ALWAYS genetically damaged with birth defects. I was friends with this greek family whos parents were cousins. Both sons had birth defects and they were NOT minor.. this is why we do not encourage or completely ban relations from same family members since we carry the same recessive genes, which manifest when they copulate.. period. end of story.. if they are truly identical, any child will be born with issues..

        1. Yes, you are correct. However, the reason is genetic mutations which we have today, but our early relatives like Adam and Eve had very few.

    2. Robert : Yes…. true. They will find all kind of excuses. If Eve was created from Adam’s rib, Eve’s DNA must be the same as Adam’s DNA unless some changes are being make but in Genesis there is no words stating God made any changes in Adam’s DNA.

    3. When people say “you are so wrong, it’s impossible for me to explain how wrong you are” and then walk away are basically saying: “I don’t like what you said, but I have no idea what I am talking about.”

  2. If Adam and Eve are Identical twins, isn’t that incest and doesn’t that cause offspring to be affected with defects either physically or mentally,. for example down syndrome, or other genetic defects?

    1. No it doesn’t work that way. being the two first people on earth there genes would be pure undiluted by generations of degradation. birth defects would have been non existent for many generations the 2nd law of thermodynamics state that all things in the universe must degrade ie the law of entropy so Yes over time recessive genes would appear and defects would occur EVENTUALLY but they were the first two individual so the defects wouldn’t occur for awhile not to mention that secular science has already stated that we all come from a singular origin. and genetic studies show that we are all related to each other and no two people are no more than 50th cousins

      1. doesn’t make sense. if they have same DNA they would have same recessive traits and when you combine DNA with a punit square you get recessive traits coming out on 50% of births.. its serious..

      2. So God wasn’t all knowing ? Obviously God would have known the recessive genes where going to happen and deformities were the inevitable outcome of his gene ” manipulation ” by using one of Adams ribs to create Eve . The worlds first Transgender woman by the way . Can’t argue the science or the bible there . But wait. Not all gene mutations are bad. Science shows that survival of the fittest by gene manipulations is how species developed and are continuing to develop today .Bad genes resulting in deformities often get eaten by mother nature. Man , or more correctly modern Homo Sapiens is the only species that has developed an exception to that rule and only now thanks to modern medicine and science can they be identified before birth and saved the torture of being born and living in misery all their lives. So much for the notion of the perfect all knowing god. Every species of plants and animals on this planet have a common genetic ancestor that sprang from the primordial soup of the Earth billions of years ago. Do try to keep up.

    2. At that time there were no genetic mutations since it was prior to the fall. No risk for birth defects at this stage of human history. Early in human history it was common for close relatives to marry and would not have been harmful genetically. Currently we have so many mutations since the fall and therefore it is more risky for close relatives to marry because of genetic potential problems with the offspring because of the compounding of genetic mutations over the millennia.

    3. Creating a human from the bone of another human is not a definition of incestual behavior, I don’t believe. However, the ‘offspring’ being affected with defects is an interesting question.
      The first parents (Adam and Eve) were created (as we’re told) as ‘perfect’ beings who by exercising their ‘perfect will’, disobeyed the command of the Creator, and having ‘perfect will’ does not equate to ‘perfect decisions’. As we are told, as a result, the relationship between the man and woman with the Creator changed. They were banished from Eden, they soon toiled in labor, they had ‘imperfect’ children, they were sentenced to death which is the sin we all must pay.
      I agree with you if and over the course of time, man and woman have become susceptible to disease, our vitality diminishes with time, and our imperfections worsening … is a result of the first sin. Just a thought.

  3. If they were identical, how would the vast amounts of variety of modern man come about? Would there be enough genetic information in 2 genetically identical people to give us all the genetic diversity today?

    1. Isaac,

      Any secular or creationist geneticist will tell you that Adam had all the genetic information needed to supply all of humanity. He had all genetic diversity in him. Then, Eve’s was taken from his rib resulting in an identical twin less the y-chromosome, but taking two X chromosomes. Then when Adam and Eve mated, the genes were shuffled through a process called meiosis resulting in varied offspring. This is good science. The Bible always uses good science; it defines good science.


  4. There is an error. Women have more DNA than men, the male Y chromosome has 458 genes and is smaller than 1,805 contained in an X chromosome so I think God created Adam out of Eve’s rib.

    1. John,
      It is true that women have more DNA than men, but men have more DNA information than women. The reason women have more DNA is that they have two copies of the X chromosome while men have an X and a Y. This is the reason woman had to come from man: a woman has no Y chromosome and therefore that genetic information is missing. Adam had both the X and Y and could pass all the genetic information needed to form Eve and all of humanity.

      Thank you for the good question.


  5. Science concludes through actual research the first humans were female not male. And if a rib was taken, another male would have been created not a female.

    1. Please let us know where you got your information. We have never heard that. Concerning the rib, remember that Adam possessed both the X and Y chromosome, so it is possible in the laboratory to create a woman from a man, but not a man from a woman. Please study this closely and you will see.


      We would be very interested in a paper concerning the scientific theory that the first human was a woman. Please let us know were you got that.

    1. Brandon,

      We believe that Adam got all of his DNA from God on day 6, God spoke all things into existence. The guy who led the human genome project, Francis Collins, became a Christian and wrote a book called DNA, the Language of God. DNA is a language and it is how God created man and all things.



    1. They couldn’t be hermaphroditic due to genetic imprinting. Genetic imprinting separated the genders by more than the y chromosome. There are more than 200 genes that have either male or female dominance. This is why cloning is so difficult, but renders hermaphroditic options as inept in humans.

  6. I find it interesting that we have 12 ribs on each side for a total of 24. If God took one away that would leave Adam with 23 ribs which modern men don’t have. They have 24. But alas, all people have 23 chromosomes which is what contains all our genetic information. Its also interesting that in the Hebrew definition of rib that it may pertain to a curved structure. Hum? Could that be oh a double helix. Now if man was made in God’s image and he is XY it become interesting that Yahweh begins with a Y. Heck, the Y chromosome is called that because it actually looks like a Y under the microscope. These were some things I pondered as a Christian and a Scientist. Maybe this was our ancestors best way of explaining profound revelation using what they could understand.

  7. Eve was the perfect clone of Adam, only female.. Made by Adams DNA so yes they would sorda be twins only male and female.

    1. All this nonsense about Adam and Eve. I supposed you all believe in a virgin birth!
      All those Jesus miracles, and the poor B——d couldn’t save himself from crucifixion. The Bible has been re-written many times by clever men, especially since the invention of the Caxton Press back in the 17th century, as I recall.
      Look at the purpose of nature and it’s cruelty among all species, especially man
      that the Bible states was made in God’s image.
      There is no Bible God or creation.

  8. I am totally in love with your blogs…… all which makes so much sense. We have to remember also, there are some mysteries we will never know. Unless the Spirit of God chooses to reveal them. Great Job!

  9. If one say Eve’s DNA is different from Adam’s DNA, this answer is wrong because Eve was created from Adam’s rib without any changes in DNA when creating Eve. There is no verse in Genesis 2 that proved God changed Adam’s DNA to make EVE. Thus Eve’s DNA is the same as Adam’s DNA. For example, to do DNA test for identity of a child, a body tissue of the child will be remove from the child’s body as sample for DNA test. The test sample though remove from the body, the DNA of the sample remains the same as the body. IF removed sample is different from the body, then DNA test becomes INVALID & IMPOSSIBLE. Another prove is human organ cloning. Scientists have cloned stem cells from human skin and egg cells which could be used to produce human organs that are genetically identical to patient’s own, thus, posing no risk of rejection when transplanted. Thus saying Eve’s DNA is different from Adam’s DNA is wrong. Eve’s DNA is the SAME as Adam’s DNA since there is no record in Genesis 2 that God changed Adam’s DNA when creating Eve.

  10. We forget that we are all connected. That our hearts are a separate brain that sends and receives electromagnetic waves. Our hearts communicate with each other and the universe. Jesus clearly stated over and over. The he was the son of man. That we are all part of the body of Christ. When someone was healed. Jesus often said. Give thanks to God your faith has heal you. Meaning as science has proven. We have the ability to heal ourselves. How is God everywhere all the time? Because we are God collectively.

  11. LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES. To say the women dont have the capability to create a man is absolutely ridiculous. The X chromosome is what makes us who we are. The X chromosome carries 20x as many genomes than the Y chromosome. Nature/CREATION and is the work of the Most High, NOT LITERATURE(BIBLE)!! If you want to know the truth study the creation of the MOST HIGH!

    1. When you make these statements, you should give us a reference. I know of no one who believes a woman can give birth to a man without a Y chromosome. Please give us a reference.

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