Category Archives: Answers to Questions

How Did Kangaroos Get to Australia?

dreamstime_xxl_83061509_small_creditWhy are the kangaroos in Australia, and only in Australia? We know that all things were created in or near the Garden of Eden and migrated from there throughout the world. We know this from the scriptures: Adam named all of the animals (Genesis 2:19). Then, later, after the flood, the animals migrated again, this time from the “mountains of Ararat” (Genesis 8:4). Quite a bit is known about present-day animal migration, so it is logical that the animals knew, instinctively, where to go after their disembarkation from the Ark. The details and mechanisms of migration are not fully understood, but it is a fact that even now many animals possess this instinct.

It is not just the kangaroos who migrated to Australia, but also the zebras to Africa, the American buffalo to North America, tigers to Siberia, and the jaguar to South America, etc. Consider the personality of God; He is the master creator of life and beauty. When He created the world, it is logical that He did not want the animal kingdom to be one homogeneous mixture throughout the world, but rather He designed the Earth to declare His creative power: cold climates, warm climates, low elevations, and high elevations, arid climates, humid climates, all with different mixtures of animals, plants and insects. Consider the world to be like a canvas that was painted by God, each color a different ecosystem, a masterpiece of beauty and diversity.

One can observe the present-day migration of hummingbirds, geese, salmon, butterflies, and many other migratory animals and insects: they have a powerful urge to go where God hardwired them to go. It appears that this hardwired mechanism uses magnetic flux, or scent, or celestial markers, etc., but, science has yet to identify the exact mechanism. It really doesn’t matter, we know that migration happens and we know it is hardwired. For example, the migration of the monarch butterfly takes four generations to complete one cycle. Each generation undergoes a metamorphosis; these generations have no way of passing on information to their eggs other than by DNA, yet they return to the identical spot in Mexico each year. There are also mysteries with others who migrate, salmon, whales, many birds, and even zooplankton. Migration is a powerful instinct.

Just recently the Nobel Prize for physiology/medicine was awarded to three scientists (J. O’Keefe, M.B. Moser, and E. Moser) who discovered that the brain has a built-in GPS system. They discovered that the brain has grid cells that are similar to lines of longitude and latitude. This allows the brain to have access to its own nautical chart. Modern science is converging with the Bible by showing the complexity and perfection of the creation.

So, in conclusion, the kangaroo migrated to Australia twice: once after he was given a name by Adam and once after his journey on the Ark. For each of these migrations, the kangaroo journeyed to his destination; he had everything he needed including a guidance system and a strong desire to be where he belonged: in his Australian home.

Note: It is generally accepted that the sea level after the creation and also after the flood, during the ice age, was significantly lower than present sea level; this allowed passage to and from Australia on dry land. We believe that both the physical evidence (elevations of ancient civilizations) and Biblical evidence (Genesis 10:25, 1 Chronicles 1:19) support this idea.

Whom Did Cain Marry?

cainwifeDid Cain marry his sister or did he search-out and find a woman from elsewhere? Here is what the Bible says:

And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.
And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, . . . (Genesis 4:16-17 KJV)

So, by these scriptures, it is not obvious whom Cain married and from where his wife came; However, if we look at Genesis 3:20, the Bible makes it plain and simple:

And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. (Gen 3:20 KJV)

Therefore, Eve was the mother of all humanity and there were no human beings past, present, or future apart from Adam and Eve. The scriptures are clear, Eve was the mother of both Cain and Cain’s wife, his sister.

This state of affairs poses several questions that must be addressed:

(1) What about birth defects due to the close relationship of Cain and his sister?

(2) What about the Biblical and social morality laws prohibiting close relationship marriages? and,

(3) Is there any scientific evidence that either supports or contradicts the Bible concerning Eve being the mother of us all?

First, let’s start with the birth defects issue (question 1). It is a fact that when close relatives marry, their children have an increased probability of having birth defects, disease, and even early death. The theme of the Bible is that in the beginning, everything was “very good” (Genesis 1:31), and due to sin, there has been a deterioration of everything (Genesis 3:17). In the beginning, there were no genetic problems, then, after the original sin, genetic mutations started to appear and have continued to increase. So, when Adam and Eve’s children married one another, these mutations were not yet a significant problem. Actually even at the time of Abraham, some 2000 years after the creation, marrying a close relative was not a problem, and sometimes even encouraged by God (Genesis 17:19; Genesis 24:1-60; Genesis 28:10-15). Abraham married his half sister (Genesis 20:12); Isaac married his second cousin (Genesis 24:15); and Jacob married two of his first cousins (Genesis 28:1-7). It wasn’t until the time of Moses (about 2500 years after the creation) that God prohibited marrying close relatives (Leviticus 18:8-18). This was necessary to protect humanity from genetic mutations which had reached levels of concern. This notion that genetic mutations are increasing can be substantiated by the decline in lifespan from Adam who lived 930 years (Genesis 5:5), the lifespan of Moses who lived 120 years (Deuteronomy 34:7), and the present day lifespan which is approximately 67 years world-wide. Also, modern science has accepted the fact that genetic mutations are on the increase.

The next issue (question 2) concerns incest and the laws associated with it. Did God force the offspring of Adam and Eve to break the laws concerning incest? No, when Adam and Eve’s children married one another, there were no laws, Biblical or social, concerning incest. Also, remember, Adam and Eve were closer than siblings, they were identical twins (Genesis 2:21-23) except that Adam was a male (X and Y chromosome) and Eve was a female (two copies of the X chromosome). So, Adam and Eve’s children had no knowledge of or concerns about incest.

And lastly (question 3), concerning the existence of scientific evidence that either supports or contradicts Genesis 3:20, actually, there is much DNA evidence that strongly supports Genesis 3:20. DNA has been collected from humans around the globe over the past couple of decades: tens of thousands of DNA sequences. Geneticists, both secular and creationist, have used these sequences to compile a human genetic tree. This tree clearly shows that we all came from one woman. So, if any other, unrelated group of humans existed during, before or after Eve, there would necessarily be two or more family trees; but, there are not two or more, there is just one.

In conclusion, based on both Genesis and genetics, Cain married his sister.

Here are some other links with some additional background information:

Adam’s DNA
Genesis Chapter 1 and 2
Jesus’ DNA
The Genetics of Sin Nature


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Key words: genetics, DNA, Cain, marriage, sin, mutations, incest, close relationship marriages

Where Does Neanderthal Fit in the Bible ?

Neanderthal’s Biblical identity revealed: he is pre-flood man. The Bible is clear: shortly after the creation, man sinned and became extremely wicked, so wicked that God was sorry He had made man. Then, God caused a great flood, destroying all mankind with the exception of Noah and his family. We are not sure how many souls died in this global flood but suspect that it was many. A common question is, why is there no fossil evidence of those killed in the flood? There is fossil evidence of dinosaurs, mammoths, fish, vegetation, mosquitoes, and even raindrops, so why not evidence of the humans who died in the flood? The answer to this question is simple and right before us: there is fossil evidence of humans dying in the flood; these humans are referred to as Neanderthals; Neanderthal man meets the Biblical criteria for those who died in the flood very nicely.

There is no question that Neanderthal man lived on earth. Many partial skeletons have been found which have provided the scientific community with credible DNA sequences. These sequences reveal a small, but distinct genetic difference between the Neanderthal and modern man; this difference is approximately 1.3 percent in the mitochondrial DNA. If we examine the scriptures in Genesis and join them with the fossil and DNA evidence, we can explain this distinct genetic difference between Neanderthal and modern man.

Looking at the Biblical account of the flood, we find that there were sudden major changes to the environment and ecosystems. The entire earth was flooded which resulted in a change to the atmosphere which, in turn, resulted in a new ecosystem, no longer able to support huge dinosaurs with small nostrils and dragonflies with over 2-foot wingspans. Also, concerning humans, we know they lived much shorter lives after the flood as clearly documented in Genesis chapter 11. These physiological changes would require a genetic reset of DNA. This genetic reset, which was executed by God, Himself, explains the small but distinct genetic differences between modern man and those before the flood, whom we have concluded are Neanderthals. Neanderthal fossils reveal that Neanderthal had larger brains than modern man, better bone structure, stronger teeth, better bites (occlusion), fewer genetic mutations (disease), and longer lifespan. For references and Neanderthal DNA sequences, see Neanderthal’s Identity.

Accepting Neanderthal man as those living before the flood solves many mysteries such as the following: 

  1. How did Neanderthal go extinct?

Answer: He died in the flood.

  1. Why is there no evidence of pre-flood man?

Answer: There is much evidence of pre-flood man – Neanderthal.

  1. Why is Neanderthal genetically distinct from modern man?

Answer: Neanderthal had only the first genetic reset, but modern man has both the first and second genetic reset. See the technical paper Neanderthal’s Identity for details.

  1. Why do we have his (Neanderthal’s) genetic mutations, but he doesn’t have ours (modern man)?

Answer: He is our ancestor. Our mutations were developed after the flood, so we have both Neanderthal and modern mutations; he has only the pre-flood mutations.

  1. Why did Neanderthal not interbreed with modern man?

Answer: He couldn’t; Neanderthal and modern man were separated by the flood.

  1. Why are Neanderthal’s remains found in so many diverse locations?

Answer: The flood deposited them there.

  1. Why is Neanderthal physiologically and anatomically superior?

Answer: His DNA was closer to Adam’s.

  1. Where does Neanderthal fit in post-flood Bible genealogy?

Answer: He doesn’t. We know the DNA from the table of nations people (Genesis Chapter 10) and subsequent generations; none has the Neanderthal genetic signature.



Update (11/6/2019)

Compared to present-day human DNA, Ancient human DNA is significantly closer to Neanderthals. Here is the technical paper

Update (9/19/2019)

Neanderthal had less hair on his back than many present-day humans. This is due to genetic marker rs4849721. This marker is shared by Neanderthal and present-day humans. If you have a T at this marker position, you probably have less back hair than average. Neanderthals have the T which means that they too probably had less back hair than the average present-day human. Hmmm, so much for the hairy ape-man ( Ref. )

Update (9/19/2018)

We have found evidence that the Neanderthal DNA is 99.5 percent identical with present-day humans (Reference 1) and that Neanderthal DNA appears to fall inside the variation of present-day humans (Reference 2).


Here is a link to additional updates to our basic premise that Neanderthals are those who lived before the flood.

Where Does Neanderthal Fit in the Bible – Update




Genesis 1 and 2 Agreement or Contradiction?

Genesis chapters 1 and 2 have been a bit of a mystery in that they appear to be in conflict with one another. However, now that we understand DNA, these two chapters converge into one creation account that is logically and chronologically perfect.

Genesis 1 documents the order of creation. Genesis chapter 2, on the other hand, documents the order in which life was given to the creation: the activation.

Everything was created before the seventh day, but the plants had not been planted and neither animals nor man had been given the breath of life; they were dormant. The Bible is clear, God rested on the seventh day; if God had given man life on the sixth day, God could not have rested on the seventh; He wouldn’t abandon Adam nor would He want to miss Adam’s first day of life; but, after God rested, He formed Adam from the earth in accordance with the DNA created and selected on day 6; then, God gave Adam the breath of life and he, Adam, became a living soul.

This notion is further supported by the parable of the farmer who planted his field with good seed and then rested (Matthew 13:24). As the farmer rested, the seeds had not yet started growing, they were still dormant, still in seed form. This is the way it was on day 7 of creation; everything was created, ready for activation, but dormant. Then, in Genesis chapter 2, after God rested, He took the DNA created on day 6 and formed man, and breathed life into him. For those of you who study Hebrew, you will see that the word used in Genesis 1 is different from the one used in Genesis 2. The word used in Genesis 1 is “bara” having the sense of selecting, and in Genesis 2 the word “yatsar” has the sense of forming or squeezing into shape much like a potter forming his pot.

Here is some of the Genesis 2 account of the creation which shows that the materials were available, the plans were complete, and then came the activation in according to the Creators design and purpose. Please consider the following excerpts from Genesis 2:

Genesis 2:5 When no bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up–for the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground,

Genesis 2:7 then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

Genesis 2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.

Genesis 2:9 And out of the ground the LORD God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Genesis 2:15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.

Genesis 2:19 Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.

Genesis 2:20 The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. . (ESV)

So, Adam was given life first, then the plants, then the animals. It all makes sense.

This also explains Genesis 5:2 which has been a mystery until now:

Genesis 5:2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. (KJV)

He created them male and female and called their name Adam. He called their name Adam. Adam embodied all human genetic variation. Your genes, my genes, everyone’s genes were in Adam. We were all created on day 6 and God called our name “Adam;” the name “Adam” means “man.” It goes on to say “in the day when they were created.” Again, the they is we. Our DNA was created on day six, but we were formed and given life in our mother’s womb.

Dear friends and children, know that the Bible is true and can be trusted. Genesis chapters one and two are logically and chronologically perfect.

Adam’s Rib

God Creates Eve

The Bible is the basis for all science. Consider the Biblical account of the creation of Eve by use of Adam’s rib.

Genesis 2:21 -22 So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. (ESV)

This is an interesting scripture. Adam was formed first from the earth, then Eve was made from Adam’s rib.

Human Ribs Regenerate

I recently read an article about a man who was in a serious automobile accident; he lived but required many reconstruction surgeries on his face and cranium. He noticed that the doctor was using rib material for the reconstruction, and it appeared that the doctor kept using the same rib. Before one surgery the man asked the doctor when would he have to start using a different rib. The surgeon told him that it wouldn’t be necessary since human ribs regenerate.

This seemed amazing, so I checked it out. It is true, PubMedID: documents 12 patients that were subject to cranioplasty surgery using their human ribs to rebuild cranium bone damage. Forty-two pieces of rib, an average length of 13 cm were removed to rebuild the cranium. All 12 patients “had solid protection of the brain” and “complete regeneration of the donor rib.”

Adam was Restored to Perfection

The rib is the only human bone that regenerates. Isn’t it lucky the Bible picked the right bone? No, actually, it wasn’t luck, God designed it that way and the Bible is the Word of God.

The fact that the rib regenerates supports another scripture:

Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. (KJV)

If Adam would have had a missing rib, the creation wouldn’t be “very good,” but it would be blemished. However, we now know that Adam was totally restored to the “very good” condition; science confirms what has been in Genesis all along.

The Bible Got it Right

Here is another significant scientific fact concerning the creation of Eve. Adam, being a human male, had one X and one Y chromosome; Eve had two Xs. This may be a small point, but it shows that all the genetic information required to create Eve was in Adam. So, Eve could be taken from Adam, but Adam could not be taken from Eve. The Bible stands, pure.

If scientists considered the Bible as a scientific source, we wouldn’t waste so much time and resources. We are finding that the Bible accurately describes dark mass and energy, genetics, zoology, geology, paleontology, linguistics, and physics. The Bible has stood, stands, and will stand forever.

Post Note: It is a myth that women have fewer ribs than men.

Additional Reading:

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Adam’s DNA

According to the Bible, Adam was created in God’s image  approximately 6000 years ago. Now that we are beginning to understand DNA, we can determine Adam’s DNA; and by understanding Adam’s DNA, and how it relates to us, we can make some significant progress in understanding who we really are and how we fit into the Kingdom of God.

Genesis 2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (KJV)

So, Adam became a living soul, the first living soul. This means that he necessarily had all of the human genetic variations in his DNA. Everyone, including Eve, came from Adam’s DNA.

(Note: If the Bible proclaimed that the first human were a woman, the Bible would be in error since women do not have the Y-Chromosome, without which man could not have been formed from the woman’s rib DNA. This is why it is called the Bible.)

Every human being has two sets of genes, one from their father and one from their mother. These genes are generally dominant or recessive. If you get two dominant genes, that trait will be dominant. If you get two recessive genes, that trait will be recessive. If you get one dominant and one recessive gene, that trait will be dominant. This means that Adam had one dominant and one recessive gene for each trait; so, in effect, we know Adam’s DNA and we have an idea what he looked like: he had dominant genetic traits.

Humans have approximately 22,000 genes and combinations of these genes give us variation in physical appearance such as eye color, nose shape, foot size, etc. These genes also affect our abilities and personality.

So, we know that Adam had all human variation in him and therefore one dominant and one recessive gene for each of the genes. Based on current understanding of dominant traits, we can be reasonably sure that Adam had unattached earlobes, dimples, was right handed, had a widow’s peak hairline, and curly hair. All of these traits are dominant traits.

This is all very interesting, but, now we need to get into the spiritual: Adam embodied all of humanity, including Eve and you and me. Please read this one very carefully, the key word here is “them”:

Genesis 5:2  Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.(KJV)

So, all of humanity was created on day six. Adam was formed and given life after God’s rest, Eve was formed and given life shortly thereafter, and you and I were formed and given life in our mother’s womb. This is why God said to Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 1:4  Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

Jeremiah 1:5  Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee . . . (KJV)

When Adam sinned, he became corruptible and took on the sin nature. Since Adam embodied all of humanity, we all went down with him and also took on the sin nature. Part of this sin nature is the corruption of our genes in the form of mutations. Today, every generation has approximately 70 more genetic mutations than the previous generation. These mutations can result in deformation, disorders and disease; genetic mutations are never good. This is a bit discouraging, but we have the promise that in a twinkling of an eye, our DNA will be restored to the day 6 splendor. This is good news, this is the Gospel.

I Corinthians 15:51  Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

I Corinthians 15:52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

I Corinthians 15:53  For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. (KJV)

My dear friends and children, we have gone through much here on earth, but our future is very bright: We have the hope of being redeemed and restored to our original , day six, self.

To do: Study some basic biology with your children in the context of the Bible:

   (1) Learn about recessive and dominant genes.

   (2) Put together a list of Adam’s probable physical traits.

Genesis and Genetics – Welcome




Cain did marry his sister. Was this immoral? How about birth defects?      Read more >>



Why is there no fossil evidence of humans before the flood? Actually there is – Neanderthal.  Read more >>






Why do the Bible and modern science appear to be in conflict with one another? If this bothers you,  please   Read more >>





What was the date and population at Babel? The Bible tells us.  Read more>>






Eve was genetically Adam’s identical twin less the Y-chromosome.  How can that be?  Read more >>





Noah’s ark: How did the creator transport so many creatures to the new world without losing even one?  Read more >>





Take a ride in the genetic time machine.






The desire to sin is in your DNA. How did it get there? What to do about it?






Noah’s Ark – Hermetically sealed, safe, and peaceful.





The Creator is active in the creation. He has reset the genetics at least twice and at least one more reset is planned.   It is all controlled by His voice.





Jesus’ DNA. Your DNA is safe in Him.  Read more >>


Adam’s Rib. The human rib regenerates perfectly. Is this just luck?  Read more >>






Is our DNA really junk?







Did the kangaroo hop to Australia? 





Adam’s genome housed all human genetic variation. We are all from Adam; we are collectively Adam.




We have much more coming soon: human migration; epigenetics (how sin is carried from one generation to another), Neanderthal updates, problems with evolution, etc.

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