
Since the beginning of time, humans have sought to find the most basic building blocks of our natural existence. And now they have found them. They are called quantum waves. So, are we just a collection of waves? Yes, we are. But these waves are remarkable. They have a dual personality in that they can convert to particles when they choose. So, when do they choose? Apparently, it is when someone is looking at them. Two major themes of quantum physics are called “particle duality” and the “collapse of the waveform.” These two themes are precisely in tune with the Bible that the voice of God created everything. The figure above is a graphic representation of an atom in the form of a quantum wave.
Duality and Collapse of the Waveform
Interestingly, there is no debate in quantum physics concerning the existence of “particle duality” and “collapse of the waveform.” The debates center on How? And why? In addition, the biggest question is how does the waveform know when someone is looking? Anyone who can answer any of these questions will surely win a Nobel Prize.
A Bit of Mathematics
One can model a human voice mathematically by the expression e^kt where e is 2.718 (base of the natural logarithm), k is an imaginary number, and t is time. Amazingly, we now know that the function e^kt can describe everything in the universe since everything is a wave. Thousands of years ago the Bible proclaimed that God spoke the creation into existence.
Science Converging with the Bible
Finding quantum waves/particles has again shown the Bible as the basal book of science. The Bible says that God’s Word created all things. This proclamation is in tune with modern quantum science. Here are three scientific findings that are in tune with the Biblical narrative concerning how God created all things:
(1.) Einstein’s famous equation states that energy (E) is equal to mass (m) times the speed of light (c) squared. His equation shows that energy can be converted to mass, or mass can be converted to energy. And this is what the Bible says: God converted his voice (energy) into mass (the creation).
(2.) Quantum physics tells us that quantum waves create everything we see. God’s voice produced waves that have the ability to become quantum particles. These waves continue to vibrate forever. A guitar string, when plucked, quits making a sound after a few seconds because of friction in the air, and the guitar frets. The quantum waves never die out because they are too small to be affected by friction. One might say they are eternal. Therefore, God’s Word and voice are the same.
(3.) The quantum waves collapse when looked at and become particles. These particles are called quarks, leptons, and bosons. There are 17 of them identified so far. They all have dual personalities and work in unison to produce us and our universe. All atoms are made from quarks, leptons, and bosons.
Waveform Collapse – Example
Here is an example of a waveform collapse. Consider a light wave. It is invisible. However, when it enters your eye and hits your retina, it collapses, and your eye detects the particle: the photon. If it didn’t collapse into a photon, life could not exist. First, we would all be blind, and second, photosynthesis could not occur.
Do it yourself – Collapse of the Waveform
Here is a way you can prove the waveform collapses into particles. Look at the stars or the moon with a friend. You can see their light. Then look at your friend’s eyes and notice that you cannot see anything entering their eyes, but it does enter the eye and transforms itself into a photon, a particle. This simple experiment shows that we cannot see light waves, but we can see photons.
Particles or Waves
The quantum wave/particles are understandably bizarre. Nonetheless, scientists have a unanimous consensus that quantum particles have two forms: waves and particles. Many experiments have proved this duality, but the double-slit experiment is the most famous. It has been repeated many times and always gives the same results. The basic idea is to take quantum particles and fire them at a screen. The result is a scattering of points. Then you fire them through a narrow slit and notice they form discreet points in the shape of the slit. Next, we fire the particles through two slits with a gap in-between. This time the result is a wave pattern. So, are the quantum particles waves or particles, or both? They are both. This chickadee in the above photo is a product of quantum waves that expressed themselves as particles.
Hide and Seek
The double-slit experiment began a long hide-and-seek game, scientists vs. supposedly brainless quantum waves/particles. When they found that a single particle could go through both slits at the same time, they wondered how something could be in two places at once. Consequently, they put detectors behind each of the slits. When they did so, they found that only particles came through only one slit. They were confused. So, someone suggested let’s unplug the detectors, and voila, they got the wave pattern. I suspect that every quantum physics department in the world has repeated this experiment. The results are always the same. They concluded that when you look at the waves, they become particles. As a result, an obvious question beckons an answer: How can the wave particles do what they do without intelligence. It takes intelligence to play hide-and-seek. Therefore, it appears that the quantum waves respond to consciousness. The double-slit experiment may be one of the biggest mysteries in science, but not so in the Biblical exegesis.
The Voice of God – Eternal
Generally, we consider someone’s voice as something temporary, but their word can be more permanent. For example, what someone says dies out, but it may be recorded on a disk, written on paper, or committed to memory. What is written or recorded becomes somewhat permanent. It is different from the Voice and Word of God. God’s voice and His word are the same. They are both eternal. They never die.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.
John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. (These words are in red since they are the words of Jesus.)
So, we should all agree that the Bible and quantum physics are in tune with one another.
The Voice of God is Powerful -Quantum Vacuum
Consider a cubic inch of space anywhere in the universe. Extract any gas or mass from it, and this is what is called a quantum vacuum. It would appear that this cubic inch of vacuum has nothing in it. but that is a wrong assumption. This quantum vacuum has 17 wave fields in it. These quantum wave fields have energy. Scientists knew that the vacuum contained energy, but they didn’t know how much. Cosmologists estimated its value. But, when the quantum physicists came along, they calculated that it had more energy than what was projected by the cosmologists; it was 10 to the 120 power more than that. So, the debate rages, and they differ by 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 plus another 60 zeros. The quantum physicists have an excellent record, so they may be correct. If interested in exploring this quantum vacuum energy, search on the “cosmological constant problem.”
Additional bits and pieces
Quantum waves/particles contain inherent intelligence, divine intelligence. These waves explain why Jesus, the Word, is omnipresent in our universe and why everything in our universe is filled with intelligence, i.e., omniscient. We know that viruses, bacteria, seeds, trees, animals, and humans are intelligent. Now we know why.
One of the quantum particle groups is called bosons. The bosons called gluons hold the positive charged protons together in the atom’s nucleus. Bosons also hold the electrons in place. The following scripture shows that the Word of God is manifest in the wave/particles called bosons.
Colossians 1:17 And he is before all things, and in him, all things hold together.
The Bible is right, everything in the universe is a wave, the voice of God.
Scripture for ponderance:
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh …
Additional Reading:
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That wave is the shape of a mouth!
The wave gets its shape from the vocal cords. If the vocal cords vibrate at some frequency, then the wave peaks and valleys at that frequency. So it is with God; his voice is like many waters. God’s voice has many frequencies, and those frequencies created all things, all quantum waves as we know them.